Counseling Resources
Multnomah County Crisis Line 503-9888-4888
Youth Hotline 877-968-8491 or text "teen2teen" to 839863
American School Counselor Association (ASCA) - LINK
Oregon School Counselor Association (OSCA) - LINK
The President and First Lady’s Call to Action on College Opportunity - LINK
First Lady Michelle Obama addresses the ASCA Conference on July 1, 2014 - WATCH
Crisis Management Institute - LINK
Release of Information form - LINK
Vocabulary of Feelings - LINK
Referral Resources - These organizations offer free & low-cost counseling
Lifeworks Northwest 503.645.9010 www.lifeworksnw.org
Albertina Kerr 503.255.4205 www.albertinakerr.org
Cascadia 503.674.7777 www.cascadiabhc.org
DePaul Treatment Centers 503.535.1181 www.depaultreatmentcenters.org
Kinship House 503.460.2796 kinshiphouse.org
Lutheran Community Services 503.231.7480 www.lcsnw.org/portland
NARA 503.224.1044 www.naranorthwest.org
Trillium Family Services 503.234.9591 www.trilliumfamily.org
Morrison Child & Family Services 503.542.3025 www.morrisonkids.org
Options Northwest 503.335.5975 www.options.org