How students reach me
Tell your teacher you want to talk to me. You don't have to tell them why. They will help you schedule an appointment.
Email me with this form ------->
NOTE: I do not check email over the weekend, or after work hours. If you have an urgent need, seek help from an adult, or call the Crisis Line at 503-988-4888.
Write me a note and drop it off in the office.
How parents reach me
Email - dharkness@pps.net
Phone - 503-916-2000 x72749
In person - I meet with parents regarding concerns about student success in school, adjustment issues, social struggles, 504
Accommodation Plans, student/family relationships, and more. I am available for meetings on most days. email or call me to arrange a time.

Camper FAQ
I’m an FAQ title 1
Frequently asked questions are listed questions and answers.
I’m a question. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me.
I’m an answer. Click Edit FAQ to customize me.
I’m a question. Click Edit FAQ to customize me.
I’m an answer. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me.
I’m a question. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me.
I’m an answer. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me. I’m a great place to answer the questions your visitors ask most.
I’m a question. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me.
I’m an answer. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me. I’m a great place to answer the questions your visitors ask most. My text is rich, so you can change my color, font and add links inside the FAQ editor.

Parent FAQ
I’m an FAQ title 2
Frequently asked questions are listed questions and answers.
I’m a question. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me.
I’m an answer. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me. I’m a great place to answer the questions your visitors ask most. My text is rich, so you can change my color, font and add links inside the FAQ editor.
I’m a question. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me.
I’m an answer. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me. I’m a great place to answer the questions your visitors ask most. My text is rich, so you can change my color, font and add links inside the FAQ editor.
I’m a question. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me.
I’m an answer. Click here to edit my style or click Edit FAQ to customize me. I’m a great place to answer the questions your visitors ask most. My text is rich, so you can change my color, font and add links inside the FAQ editor.